Back to: “The End Times”

Back to: “The End Times” I know that many of you read the Bible often, yet when it comes to the Book of Revelation” it may seem like the going is slow and may be misinterpreted due to so much “unfamiliar and extravagant symbolism” that the average reader cannot make sense out of. What exactly does this book, shrouded in mystery, say about the End Times that are to come upon us? Let’s take a look. I have taken the liberty to see what “Issues, Etc” had to say about the ensuing End Times: To the early Christians, Revelation provided a very simplistic description of the times that seem to be quickly approaching. The early Christians had this to say about the End Times: “[Jesus now] sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty. From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead…We believe in the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting.” This was taken directly from the Apostles Creed. For centuries, the early Christians followed this belief. In these modern times, however, many false teachers have made up many complex and confusing interpretations of the Book of Revelation. False doctrines have been added such as the Rapture as well as the Millennium to the last book of the Bible’s summary of the End Times. As a result of this false doctrine, there are many Christians who are confused about the future happenings. Here is a summary of the false opinions of what the future holds: Christ’s visible earthly life, the age of the Church, Jesus returns for the Rapture, the seven...

Our Own Personal Armageddon

Dear Faithful Followers and all Who Read my Blog, I am truly sorry for my long absence in writing entries to my Armageddon Blog, but I have been going through my own “personal” Armageddon for quite a while now. As the saying goes, you cannot experience the beauties of the mountaintop until you have hit rock bottom. That has been happening to me for quite a while now, but each time the Lord would rescue me, and I know it has been through the many prayers being sent up by my loyal prayer warriors. Since April of this year, 2011, I have had three cervical neck surgeries and one rotator cuff surgery. I also have to admit that I have been taking prescription pain medication that has been making me very confused and unsteady. I had been told by one pain doctor that I was one in 5 percent of the population who is not able to take any pain medication. I guess I did not want to believe this or heed my Master’s warning signs that He was sending me, that is, until August 26th. I was on my way to the bathroom (I have to use a walker now – am I telling my age?) and when I got in there I fell. Although I had Life Alert, I did not use it because I knew my Comfort Keeper would be there shortly. I had already reached down to see if I was hurt and just got some clear liquid on my fingers. Since I have lymphedema,I did not think anything of it. However, the Holy Spirit...